European Network Codes
Network Codes create consistent rules for electricity systems across Europe.
Europe's electricity network rules
Europe’s electricity networks previously operated according to local rules, which created differences in how each system operates.
The Network Codes create common rules to more efficiently operate Europe's electricity systems. They offer a more level playing field across grid connections, market codes and system operation.
These consistent rules:
- Promote more efficient interconnection between countries
- Provide a more secure and reliable electricity system
- Allow for increased renewable generation
Below gives more information about each Network Code, including related publications and consultations.
Grid connection
The transmission system operator manages the electricity transmission grid. Producers (who generate electricity) and major customers (who use electricity themselves or sell it on to small customers) are connected to this grid. They must follow certain rules to be able to use it.
The requirements that users must meet to connect to the transmission grid are set out in three different connection codes. Each of these focuses on a particular type of grid user. The codes are:
Market codes
The market codes play a crucial role in achieving Europe’s goal of an integrated single electricity market. They lay down rules to allow energy and available capacity to be traded between Europe’s transmission systems.
The market codes are structured around the different time scales in which these trades can take place: long-term, day-ahead and intraday. They foster competition, diversification of generation sources and optimisation of the existing infrastructure. The codes are:
System operation
To keep the electricity system reliable and stable, every transmission system operator draws up plans and schedules to prepare for real time system operation. This involves analysing whether enough electricity will be generated to meet demand and whether the system can safely handle the resulting flows.
With increasing interconnection between transmission system operators, the operations codes provide rules and regulations governing how these systems are operated. The codes are:
Digitalisation is necessary for providing essential services in our energy system. Because of this, cybersecurity risk management is crucial to the security of our electricity supply. Cooperation across borders is imperative to prevent and manage electricity crises related to cyber attacks.
The code underpinning this work is: