
Requirements for Generators Network Code

Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 established a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators.

What is this Network Code?

The Network Code Requirements for Generators (RfG) is one of three Connection Codes in the European Network Codes. It provides a framework for grid connections and facilitates electricity trading.

Proposals and consultations

Consultations are held before the submission of proposed new local, regional and European rules. Below shows local consultations in Northern Ireland on the HVDC Network Code. For European and regional consultations, visit the ENTSO-E consultation hub.

Banding thresholds

As part of implementing RfG, the TSO of each member state must set banding thresholds. Banding thresholds aim to balance the needs of the power system against proportionate support from generators. Below sets out our proposed banding thresholds for Northern Ireland.