
Electricity Balancing Guideline

Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 established a guideline on electricity balancing.

What is this Network Code?

The Electricity Balancing Guideline means countries can share the resources used by their transmission system operators to make generation equal demand always. It should help increase security of supply, while reducing emissions and costs for customers. It came into force on 18 December 2017.

Proposals and consultations

Consultations are held before the submission of proposed new local, regional and European rules. Below shows local consultations in Northern Ireland on the HVDC Network Code. For European and regional consultations, visit the ENTSO-E consultation hub.

Local terms and conditions

Article 18 requires us to develop a terms and conditions proposal. This is for balancing service providers, balance responsible parties and central dispatch conditions (model specific).

Consultation (21.08.20)

In 2020, we ran a consultation on the proposal for terms and conditions.