European integration
Integrating European energy markets will give electricity users a better service and more secure supply, while increasing competition.
European legislation
As we look towards a climate neutral economy, more work is needed to achieve our energy goals. Europe's electricity system need to undergo a transformation. European legislation has been brought in to support this transformation. This includes a set of Network Codes that create consistency in how the different power systems operate.
How it applies in Northern Ireland
The Withdrawal Agreement that defines the terms for the UK’s departure from the EU preserved the integrity of the Single Electricity Market (SEM) on the island of Ireland. European legislation related to wholesale electricity continues to apply in Northern Ireland. This includes both current and future Network Codes.
Work is continuing to implement the aspects of the Trade and Cooperation agreement between the UK Government and the EU. This work relates to trading wholesale electricity between the SEM and Great Britain.
Clean Energy Package (CEP)
The CEP adapted European policy to facilitate the transition from fossil fuels to cleaner energy. It was adopted in 2019. It consists of eight legislative acts, all aiming to decarbonise energy and give consumers a better service.
The CEP covers:
- Energy performance in buildings
- Renewable energy
- Energy efficiency
- Governance of the energy union
- Electricity market design
See the European Commission website for more information.
Network Codes
Europe’s electricity networks have historically operated according to local rules. These rules govern the actions of operators and determine how access is given to users. The move towards harmonised European energy systems created a need for European Network Codes. They promote a secure and competitive electricity market across Europe.
Find out more about each Network Code, along with related documentation and consultations.
External associations
We are a member and play an active role in the following associations:
ENTSO-E - Represents 41 electricity transmission system operators from 34 countries across Europe. It promotes cooperation across Europe’s TSOs to achieve energy and climate goals.
EUROPEX - A not-for-profit association of European energy exchanges. EUROPEX represents the exchange-based wholesale markets for electricity, gas, and environmental markets.
CORESO - As a Regional Coordination Centre, CORESO coordinates flows for TSOs. This helps TSOs provide regulated services and run more efficient transmission grids.