
SONI Connections Policy

SONI is responsible for connections to the NI transmission system (110kV & above). Documentation associated with transmission connections is available below.

Connections Policy

The connections policy details the connection offer process for transmission connections. It is reviewed regularly to ensure SONI is effective in meeting the needs of the energy industry whilst supporting SONI in meeting it’s statutory obligations under the 1992 Order and the Licence. 

The aim of the policy is to set out;

  • Steps to complete a connection application, together with the pre-requisites necessary for SONI to deem an application effective
  • The process under which SONI will issue an offer to an applicant for connection to the Northern Ireland transmission system
  • The required steps to enable an applicant to accept an Offer under this process

Transmission Connection Charging Methodology Statement (TCCMS)

We have prepared and published this statement to meet its obligations as set out in Condition 30 of the SONI Transmission Licence. This requires us, in co-operation with the Republic of Ireland Transmission System Operator, prepare (and obtain the authority’s approval to) a statement setting out the basis upon which charges will be made for connection to the all-Island transmission networks.

How to get connected

Find more information on the connections process for generators, suppliers and demand customers.