
Existing connections and applications

Find information on current connections to the transmission system and applications in progress for future connection.

Transmission system

SONI is Northern Ireland's independent Transmission System Operator (TSO). As the TSO, SONI is required (under licence) to plan, operate and co-ordinate the transmission system in an efficient, economic and coordinated manner. SONI discharges this duty in relation to connections through offering terms to customers for new connections, or for modification of existing connections to the transmission system. We do not manage the distribution system or buy or sell electricity.

Connections register

The connections register provides information on:

  • Applicants to connect to the transmission system that have been deemed effective
  • Connections to the transmission system
  • TUoS Agreement applicants (distribution and transmission)
  • Customers who have entered into a TUoS Agreement, Generator Aggregator System Operator Agreement or Demand Side Unit System Operator Interface Agreement with SONI (distribution and transmission)

The Connections Register is subject to change and will be updated as changes occur. Connections less than 5 MW are not included.

Previous versions

Please see our Publications section for previous versions of the connections registers.

How to get connected

Find more information on the connections process for generators, suppliers and demand customers.