
Outage information

How we plan for generator and transmission outages, including testing and maintenance.

Generation outages

Power stations are sometimes unavailable due to maintenance or other reasons. As part of maintaining the grid, we develop and implement a Generation Outage Plan. The overall plan makes sure that planned outages are well coordinated. It's based on short, medium and long-term outage plans submitted by generators.

It takes into account:

  • Security of supply in Ireland and Northern Ireland
  • Economic operation of the power system
  • The maintenance and resource needs of generators 

See the Generation Outage Plan on the SEMO website, under the Outages section.

Weekly generator outage documents

Every week we publish an All-Island Outage Plan that covers the next 16 weeks.

Scheduling a generator outage

Generators can send outage requests to us. Schedule a generator test / outage or notify us about revised availability using the forms below. Please complete and submit the form to us by email: generation-outages@soni.ltd.uk.

Transmission outages

Transmission outages are planned times when transmission infrastructure (lines, cables and substations) will be out of service for maintenance. It also involves time for testing, connecting new plants and decommissioning old plants. Each year, we put together a maintenance programme and details of transmission outages.

Weekly transmission outage documents

2024 Weekly transmission outage documents

Find transmission outage documents for previous years in our publications library.

Outturn availability

The below decision paper covers the process for calculating outturn availability.

NIE Networks maintain transmission outturn availability connection assets. The maintenance guide explain the processes and procedures NIE Networks use.