
System services consultations and publications

Find consultations and documents related to our programmes which are preparing the grid for renewable energy.

Shaping Our Electricity Future (SOEF)

This programme plans for the operation of the grid in the future, particularly with higher levels of renewable generation. Find consultations and documents related to the SOEF programme below.

SOEF operations

SOEF operations delves into how we operate the transmission network securely and reliably, while supporting increased renewable energy.

Shaping Our Electricity Future markets

Delivering a Secure Sustainable Electricity System (DS3)

DS3 was our system planning programme prior to Shaping Our Electricity Future. Find consultations and documents related to the DS3 programme.

System services

DS3 system services aimed to put the right services in place so the system could operate securely with higher levels of renewable generation.

Volume uncapped procurement for DS3 system services

Volume uncapped is a specific procurement process, open to any party seeking to provide one of the relevant services.

Volume capped procurement for DS3 system services

Volume capped is a procurement process to ensure high-availability reserve services to our power system. It will help to securely operate the system with increasing amounts of renewable generation.

Procurement outcomes

The tendering process attracted bids for 18 service providers. 3 were successful, providing 110 MW of volume capped services in total.

The date of dispatch of the Contract Award Notice to OJEU was 1st October 2019. The successful tenders are summarised below.

Providing Unit
Service Provider
Contract Size

Gorman Energy Storage Station

ScottishPower Renewables (UK) Limited

50 MW

Porterstown Battery Storage Facility

Porterstown Battery Storage Limited

30 MW

Kilmannock Battery Storage Facility

Kilmannock Battery Storage Limited

30 MW

This decision follows a competitive tendering stage. You can find the legal agreements and protocol documents from this process below.

As part of this process, we also published an information note to give clarity on interactions between volume capped and the SEM.

Fixed contracts recommendation

In 2019, we published a recommendation paper alongside EirGrid. It focused on the contractual arrangements for the DS3 system services fixed contracts process. This is also known as volume capped.

It provides specific contractual arrangements for new providers of particular system services with a very high level of availability. The terms and conditions differ from the regulated tariff arrangements.