Engagement for Shaping Our Electricity Future
It is our role to plan and develop the grid for the 2030 renewable ambition. For this to happen, we must continue to improve how we engage with everyone.
Engagement for all
Community engagement is a fundamental part of the Shaping Our Electricity Future roadmap. In the next decade, we'll develop significant amounts of new grid infrastructure. More than ever before, it’s important to gain support of local communities.
Our public engagement will comprise a comprehensive, thoughtful, transparent and inclusive approach. We must listen to those who live near future grid infrastructure. Only with their support will we be able to achieve the scale of change required in the next few short years.
The scale of this challenge is enormous – but the benefits will be immeasurable.
Enabling workstreams
In the SOEF roadmap, we have identified initiatives and activities to support engagement. These initiatives are across 3 key workstreams: Northern Ireland, Ireland and industry engagement.
Northern Ireland
- Embed our engagement toolkit and consultations in project delivery
- Engage elected representatives, CEOs and planning officials
- Biennial council engagement on key topics and how we engage, including annual workshop with council planners and regular updates to SOLACE.
- Develop a knowledge hub for communities to explore topics around the grid
- Embed consultation and engagement toolkit in the grid development framework
- Regional energy citizen’s assemblies
- Engage with regional assemblies and local authorities on grid needs in their area
- Partner with schools / national youth organisations to boost clean energy awareness
- Explore introducing a 4th strand of community funding for micro-generation
- Regional knowledge hub initiatives to support communities with practical information
- Develop a knowledge hub for communities to explore topics around the grid
- Establish Shaping Our Electricity Future Advisory Council
- Coordinate regular Shaping Our Electricity Future Industry forums
SOEF roadmap
For further information on our engagement approach, please see the following: