Moyle Interconnector Capacity Increase
The Moyle Interconnector is a high-voltage direct current link between Scotland and Northern Ireland. This project plans to increase its capacity, helping to meet increasing demand.
Project overview
The Moyle Interconnector connects the electricity systems between the island of Ireland and Great Britain. It runs between Auchencrosh in Ayrshire and Ballycronan More in County Antrim.
Over the coming years, the grid will need to carry more power to meet demand. There is a clear need to increase the interconnector's capacity and improve its efficiency.
To achieve this, our preferred option is to connect Ballycronan More Converter Station directly to Ballylumford Power Station. We propose to do this using two underground circuits.
Benefits of the project
Increasing the Moyle Interconnector's capacity will:
- Strengthen security of supply, helping to meet increasing demand
- Improve renewable energy integration in Northern Ireland
- Increase interconnector capacity between Northern Ireland and Great Britain
- Increase revenue from interconnection which will benefit consumers
Where are we now?
We are now at part 2 of our 3 part process: Identifying where the project will be built. In this stage, we look at all locations where we may site the project. We examine these locations based on their technical, deliverability, cost and environmental merits.
Project updates
September 2024
The project is now at part 2 of our 3 part process for developing the grid.
We are moving forward with plans which include:
- Connecting Ballycronan More Converter Station to Ballylumford Power Station through two new underground cables
- Removal of a small section of existing 275 kV drop down conductors which currently feed into Ballycronan More Converter Station from two existing towers
- Re-establishing the small section of 275 kV overhead line (OHL) between the two existing towers next to Ballycronan More Converter Station
At this stage of consultation, we are seeking feedback from members of the public, including local residents, elected representatives and key stakeholders. We know that no-one knows an area better than those who live and work in it, which is why this feedback is so valuable.
There are many ways to get involved and provide feedback. These include:
Making an online submission
Provide written feedback via the SONI Consultation Portal at
Attending our consultation day
Members of the project team will be able to discuss the proposed plans of the project with you at our public consultation event:
Larne Golf Club, 54 Ferris Bay Rd, Islandmagee, Larne BT40 3RT
Wednesday 16th October 2024 from 2 – 8pm
By email
You can email your submission to us at
By post
Write your own submission and post it back to us at ‘Moyle Interconnector Capacity Increase Project’, SONI Ltd, Castlereagh House, 12 Manse Road, Belfast, BT6 9RT
We welcome your feedback until Friday 6th December 2024.
Have your say
Engaging with local communities is essential to our work. We always consult with residents, landowners and stakeholders in grid improvement works.
To speak with us about the Moyle Interconnector Capacity Increase, please contact us by filling in the contact form below.