Transmission Development Plan for Northern Ireland (TDPNI)
The TDPNI 2023 - 2032 is an ambitious project. It involves a £630 million capital investment into our energy system over 10 years.
Project overview
The TDPNI marks a major investment into Northern Ireland's energy network. It proposes several essential upgrades, including:
- Modernising parts of the grid in Greater Belfast. The upgrade will mean Belfast's people and businesses have the power they need to grow.
- Upgrading the transmission system in County Antrim. This will increase the amount of clean energy we can transport for a cleaner energy future.
- Strengthening the grid in the North West and Mid Tyrone areas. A stronger system will support economic development and decarbonisation of our electrcity supply.
- Bolstering interconnection with GB and ROI. We plan to increase capacity of the Moyle Interconnector and construct a new North South Interconnector.
Benefits of the project
The plan outlines essential upgrades to the electricity grid in Northern Ireland. It will improve reliability and strengthen the electricity network.
The upgrades enable us to bring more cleaner, renewable sources of electricity onto the system. Not only will this reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, it will also bring down costs for consumers.
The plans will also keep us moving towards our climate targets. Our current targets are 80% renewable generation of electricity by 2030 and net zero by 2050.
Where are we now?
We have now published the Transmission Development Plan 2023-2032. Due to new information becoming available since the freeze date, we have also published a Transmission Development Plan 2023-2032 Update Notice.
Project updates
January 2025
We have now published the Transmission Development Plan 2023-2032.
Project documents
There are many documents available detailing different elements of the TDPNI. Browse the list to find out more.
Have your say
Engaging with local communities is essential to our work. We always consult with residents, landowners and stakeholders in grid improvement works.
To speak with us about the Transmission Development Plan for Northern Ireland, please contact us by filling in the contact form below.