
Engaging the community

Engaging with local communities is essential to our work. We always consult with residents, landowners and stakeholders in grid improvement works.

Working with the public

Grid infrastructure projects secure a sustainable electricity supply for our future. They also contribute to achieving our climate action targets.

These developments involve change in your area. We know grid projects bring challenges and benefits for local communities. That's why we want to get you involved as early as possible.

When we work together, we make informed decisions to secure better outcomes for everyone. Let's make Northern Ireland's grid renewable-ready as we work towards a cleaner energy future.

Grid development process

We use a three-part process to developing projects to improve the grid. You'll see these steps mentioned across our project plans. They indicate how far along we are in a project and how we engage with you.

Landowner engagement

By planning ahead and developing the power grid, we help the Northern Ireland economy to grow and develop. We want to work with you to make that happen. Our landowner charter details our commitment to landowners throughout the development process.

When developing the grid, we recognise the importance of engaging with landowners as early and as often as possible. That is why we have a dedicated landowner engagement team. They are available to discuss your concerns, including:

  • The siting of new lines and cables
  • Land access
  • Compensation
William Sufferin
Jason Kerr

Landowner Engagement Lead


Wayleave Officer


Have your say

Grid improvements often need major infrastructure – transmission stations, underground cables and overhead lines. Our goal is to find the best possible solution. Your input makes a real difference.

Every project has its own consultation process. We offer information on the need for the project and give you a chance to share your opinions.